If you are not already in the workplace pension scheme, and meet the criteria below, you will automatically be enrolled into the scheme in April 2025.

In October 2012 the government introduced a new law to make it easier for people to save for their retirement.  Kirklees Council had to enrol their workers into their workplace pension scheme if they were not already contributing and met the following criteria:
• Are aged between 22 and state pension age
• Had earnings which equated to £10,000 a year.

The legislation states that employers must repeat the process every three years, and we are now making preparations for our fourth re-enrolment exercise.

If you’re already in the workplace pension scheme you won’t see any changes.

If you have previously opted out of the workplace pension scheme and still don’t want to be in the scheme, you will automatically be re-enrolled and a deduction will be taken – you can opt out again and receive a refund as long as you opt out within 3 months of being re-enrolled into the scheme.

By law we must make a pension deduction before you can opt out of the scheme.

Please note, if you have opted out within the last 12 months there will not be a requirement for us to assess and re-enrol you into a pension scheme.

If you would like to contact the Pensions Team, email pensions@kirklees.gov.uk or call 01484 221000 – ask for Human Resources, then select option 3 for pensions.

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