Following the Christmas break, there will be a small change to the time window for calling in same day absences. Calls will need to be made between 6.45am and 7.15am instead of 7am – 7.30am. This change is to allow us to have a clear picture of cover needs slightly earlier in the morning and, if necessary, be able to make arrangements for external agency staff to be secured and in the building on time.

Absence telephone number: 07958 428550

Reminder that calls to the absence line should be made during this window only and calls shouldn’t be made at all hours of the night, in order to protect the work-life balance of all staff.

If you need to leave a message as the line is busy, please state your full  name clearly and the reason for absence.  Unless you are covered by a fit note, school should be informed on a daily basis of any absence between the new time window of 6.45 and 7.15am.  If your absence is covered by a fit note then please email this through to Lindsay.