Consultation on Academisation

Below is the joint press release that covers the current consultations relating to Industrious Education Trust.  Included are the names of the two other schools who also in the process of consultation.  Governors and Trust Partners met on Monday evening to consult which was a very useful process.  The consultation period ends on Friday 15 November – please use the opportunity to provide feedback through the relevant link – with a decision on whether to proceed or not due to be made early in December.

Consultation Feedback Press Release Nov 24_FINAL

I wanted to make everyone aware of a further meeting for Governors and Trust Partners that will occur before the end of November.  This will focus specifically on how the capacity of Trust Partners can be utilised within and across a Multi Academy Trust.  Those of you who attended the consultation or have had the opportunity to look into the available information will appreciate that the Trust Partner role is not automatically incorporated into the Governance structure of a Multi-Academy Trust so will require further investigation which will be presented at the forthcoming meeting.  There was a collective strength of feeling (in the meeting on 4 November) that a formalised role for our Trust partners within the proposed MAT is essential and also that the potential growth across a group of schools is an opportunity that cannot be missed.  It was very reassuring to hear the passion for and belief in the importance of this work at NHTS and across the wider community.


The above meeting, whilst outside of the official consultation window, will inform decisions going forward.


Premises Development
As highlighted in Monday’s briefing, a lot of developments to our premises have taken place recently with plenty more to come.  Thank you to all colleagues who have been involved in the design and delivery of these projects which really help in creating the best environment in which to learn (and to work!).
Have a lovely weekend.