Careers Information, Advice and Guidance
Quick Links
Click on the links below to learn more about our fantastic and inclusive careers provision:
Key Contacts
Careers Intent
Gatsby Benchmarks
Careers Events
Parents & Carers Information
Key Contacts
Assistant Headteacher and Careers Lead
Mr Nick Collins
C&K Careers Adviser
Careers Intent
At NHTS the intent of our Careers provision is to ensure:
- All students receive an aspirational, personalised and differentiated Year 7-11 careers programme that guarantees that the decisions that they make regarding their Post-16 pathways are fully informed and appropriate.
- All students are equipped with the skill set to be able to embrace all opportunities, responsibilities and experiences that present themselves in their lives after North Huddersfield Trust School.
- Develop a full understanding, from Year 7 onwards, of careers and work-related information that develops a sense of enquiry regarding viable careers, higher/further education centres, as well as a self-awareness of the skills and aptitudes that our students possess.
- A whole school approach to CEIAG that is cross-curricular and delivered via a number of subject areas, tutor time and participation in extra-curricular STEM and careers events.
- A robust and comprehensive KS4 programme, in line with CEIAG requirements, that prepares every student for life after NHTS and guarantees that all students receive careers training, CV writing skills, a work placement and interviews with our C&K Careers Adviser alongside the skills required for successful college application.
- All elements of our Careers programme adhere to the “best practices,” as set out by CEIAG, (Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance)and as laid down in government practices to ensure that the school is judged successfully via the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks that recognise outstanding Careers provision in education.
- ALL Careers provision at NHTS is subject to regular, rigorous evaluation in line with GEIAG requirements, our school Careers policy and via use of the Compass Careers Benchmark tool and external audit.
What are the Gatsby Benchmarks?
In 2014 the Gatsby Reports made a major contribution to our understanding of what constitutes “quality” in Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) in secondary schools in England. As a result, 8 benchmarks of good practice were drawn up that identify the elements of good careers guidance in schools.
A stable careers programme
Learning from career and labour market information
Addressing the needs of each pupil
Linking curriculum learning to careers
Encounters with employers and employees
Experiences of workplaces
Encounters with further and higher education
Personal guidance
Year 7
- Tutorial Programme aims to help students to understand more about themselves (self-development) as part of their induction program.
- All students have a careers library introduction.
- PSHCE delivers units to all Year 7 students; Introduction to careers; Raising Aspirations; Career Stereotypes.
- All students are encouraged to participate in STEM and other extra-curricular events.
Year 8
- Tutorial Programme- Tutor mentoring to support students with their careers-based skills.
- PSHCE delivers units to all Year 8 students; How business uses marketing; Value for money; Tariffs; Consumer Rights; Financial Services and Financial Management.
- All students are encouraged to participate in STEM and other related extra-curricular activities.
Year 9
- Tutorial Programme aims to help students to understand more about themselves; find out about careers and the world of work; help them to plan for their future.
- Students complete “Directions” booklet in Tutor Time.
- All students have a 1:1 meeting with Progress Leader/SLT to discuss options.
- All students have access to impartial careers advice and guidance and 1:1 career coaching to support them for their GCSE preferences.
- C & K Careers Adviser leads sessions on options/careers within Vocational Studies lessons.
- College course/Apprenticeship/Careers/Options research within Vocational Studies lessons.
- All students have access to JED- a careers matching programme.
- All students participate in a series of Options Assemblies and attend an Options Evening with local KS5 providers.
- All students are encouraged to participate in STEM and other related extra-curricular activities.
- All students participate in Careers/Apprenticeships events.
- PSHCE delivers units to all Year 9 students; Careers and Future Aspirations; Learning Strengths; Future Goals; Options Process; Planning an Enterprise Project.
Year 10
- Tutorial Programme aims to help students with writing a CV, preparing for interviews, and completing application forms.
- PSHCE delivers units to all Year 10 students; Preparation for Work Experience; Contacting an Employer; Evaluation of Work Experience.
- All students complete a week’s Work Experience with a local employer.
- All students attend Work Experience Assemblies.
- College Visits: In 2019 students visited Greenhead College, Huddersfield New College & Kirklees College.
- University visits: In 2019 students visited Huddersfield University.
- All students have the opportunity to sign up to participate in the Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) program.
- All students given the opportunity to participate in Careers/Apprenticeship events.
- All students are encouraged to participate in STEM and extra-curricular activities.
- Year 10 students invited to week long residential trip with the Army.
Year 11
- Tutorial Programme aims to help students to identify a range of post-16 pathways to make informed choices about their future; complete application forms; writing a CV and personal statement; prepare for interviews.
- PSHCE Drop Down Days- Training on use of “GetInTo” college application platform and completion of college research/completion of personal statements.
- All students receive a 1:1 meeting with a C&K Career adviser.
- All students will gain support in college applications/utilise “Get Organised” booklet.
- All students attend Careers Assemblies.
- All students attend College assemblies: Autumn 2019- Greenhead College, Huddersfield New College, Kirklees College, Apprenticeships pathways & The Creative & Media School.
- Students encouraged to attend the Apprenticeship Fair at the John Smith’s Stadium.
- All students have access to support on and after GCSE results day.
Post 16 Options
What are the options after year 11?
Sixth form
A year 12 and 13 attached to a school. Students can apply to a sixth form even if they haven’t attended the school previously. In Huddersfield the schools with sixth forms are Creative and Media Studio School and Shelley College. Students may wish to consider a sixth form post 16 option such as Mirfield Free Grammar in North Kirklees.
Sixth form College
A college aimed at young people between the ages of 16 – 19. In Huddersfield there is Greenhead College and Huddersfield New College
Further education College
An establishment of post 16 education aimed at all ages, in Huddersfield there is Kirklees College
An apprenticeship is a job with recognised training. You can apply for a training place at a local college but you will also need to find an employer for your apprenticeship. Local vacancies can be found on and
You can also look at other jobs websites such as and
Make sure your careers adviser knows you are thinking of an apprenticeship so that they can help you in your search.
Part time study
Studying part time whilst working or volunteering for 20 hours or more a week
A programme of work experience of up to 6 months which includes working towards nationally recognised qualifications
Links to colleges:
Useful Information:
C&K Careers
Free careers information and links to many other sites
National Careers Service
Check out job profiles for lots of info on your career ideas
Volunteering Kirklees
Information and volunteering opportunities
Information on Further Education
![C&K Careers Logo](
Free help, support and apprenticeship information
![MIIM Logo](
Make It In Manufacturing
A showcase of local companies who produce an amazing range of products from handmade tools to huge turbines, from plastics to finished products
![Russell Group Logo](
Informed Choices
Use Informed Choices to help you understand which subjects open up different degrees, particularly at Russell Group universities.
![NGTU Logo](
Not Going to Uni
Information and advice about opportunities outside the traditional university route
National Careers Service
Careers information, advice and guidance to help you to make decisions on learning, training and work at all stages in your career.
![meet the future you logo](
Meet the future you
Find out how YOUR skills and passions could lead to an exciting job within the engineering industry in the future
![meet the future you logo](
Green Careers Week Live
Green Careers Week is an exciting event that raises aspiration, supports diversity, challenges stereotypes, and promotes real opportunities for young people to have a career that will genuinely make a difference. Discover careers, jobs, roles, and career pathways that are green careers and develop green skills.
NHTS Evaluation
How the school measures and and assesses the impact of the careers programme on pupils
The school uses the below methods to track the effectiveness of its Career services:
- Post 16 Destination data of all students including strategies for the Post-16 engagement of NEET students.
- Tracking of pupil involvement in careers events both in and out of school in line with the Gatsby benchmarks.
- Tracking of staff training in careers education in line with the Gatsby benchmarks.
- Monitoring and evaluation of T&L in departments and its links to careers.
- Self-evaluation through the school’s development plan and via use of Compass Careers Benchmark tool.
- Department evaluation and audit through departmental and Careers Leaders.
Information for Employers/Businesses
North Huddersfield Trust School offer a variety of careers events and activities and are always looking to work more closely with employers. As a school we would like to build our community network.
Some of the ways in which you can get involved are:
Attend our Career Fair
This is an annual event for Year 9-11 students to find out about career opportunities available.
Interview Panels
Be on the interview panel for our Key Stage 4 Mock Interviews – who all have the opportunity to have a ‘mock interview’ with a business professional
Careers Insight Session
Deliver a careers insight session – speak to our students about the career path you have taken and provide them with information on specific career areas.
Follow Us
Follow @NHTSchool on Twitter, we will let you know about any upcoming events that you may want to be involved in.
Careers and Enterprise
More information on how your business can get involved with schools
Post-16 Providers
Try and attend an open event at the college(s) you are thinking of attending. This will help you to find out as much as you can about the college and the courses on offer. Make sure you also check their entry requirements.
For details of other college open events please check their websites or ask our careers team.
Greenhead College
Click here for Open Event details
Application deadline:
![Huddersfield New College Logo](
Huddersfield New College
Click here for Open Event details
Application deadline:
![Kirklees College Logo](
Kirklees College
Click here for Open Event details
Application deadline:
Submit by February half-term
![The Creative Media & Studio School Logo](
Creative & Media Studio School
Click here for Open Event details
![Calderdale College](
Calderdale College
Click here for Open Event details
Parents & Carers
At North Huddersfield Trust School, we work closely with parents and carers to support their children to make informed career choices. Parents and carers are encouraged to attend the careers events and parents’ evenings. Using our website, newsletters we promote events to parents and Parents and carers are always welcome to contact the Careers Coordinator, Ailica Robinson (01484 452100) to seek advice and ask any questions they might have regarding careers opportunities available.